Is It Easy to Take Transit in Guatemala

volcano view in Guatemala
Guatemala is the Mayan heart of Central America. Home to ancient historical sites and incredible ruins, dense jungles, colorful architecture, lively markets, and towering volcanoes, Guatemala is a diverse and beautiful country ripe for budget travel.

The rugged mountains and jungles offer adventurous travelers a chance to get off the beaten path and explore pristine landscapes for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere in the world.
I love this country and have always had an incredible time here. (One of my favorite memories involves camping in Tikal!)

In this travel guide to Guatemala, I'll show you how to make the most of your trip, save money, and stay safe in one of Central America's most popular destinations.

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Guatemala

Lake Atitlan in Guatemala

1. Visit Lake Atitlán

This lake is the best spot to watch the sunset in Guatemala. On the northern coast of the lake lies the tourist village of Panajachel, a good base to arrange lake and volcano tours. You can also enjoy restaurants, bars, and nightlife in a rustic lakeside setting here too.

The arch in Antigua Guatemala

2. Head to Antigua

This picturesque colonial city sits in a highland valley between three volcanoes. It's full of colonial Spanish architecture, including cobbled streets, historic churches and houses, and ruins. Head to the Plaza Mayor to take in its amazing gardens and cathedral and don't miss a hike up the Fuego volcano!

The Mayan ruins of Tikal in Guatemala.

3. Explore Tikal National Park

These are the most popular ruins in the country. Arrive early and stay late as the park empties out in the afternoon when tour groups leave. I also recommend sleeping over in the park to catch the sunrise. You will need to pay extra for a guided tour if you want to see the sunrise or sunset. Admission is 150 GTQ.

The pools of Semuc Champey in Guatemala

4.Visit Semuc Champey

This natural monument near Cobán consists of a 1,000-foot long limestone bridge over the Cahabòn River. Take a candlelit tour through the Kamba caves, go tubing down the Cahabòn, or swim in the turquoise pools along the bridge. The caves can only be visited with a guide. Day trips cost 150-300 GTQ.

goods for sale at Chichicastenango market in Guatemala.

5. Explore the Chichicastenango Market

Most people who come to Guatemala visit Chichicastenango, the largest indigenous market in North America. Every Thursday and Sunday, thousands of Quiché Mayans come to town to buy and sell handicrafts, flowers, poetry, trinkets, and textiles.

Other Things to See and Do in Guatemala

1. Visit the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Located in Guatemala City, this museum houses the many artifacts uncovered from the Mayan archaeological sites around the country. Created in 1898, the museum holds over 20,000 items and artifacts and is a good place to visit so you can learn more about the Mayan culture. Admission is 60 GTQ per person.

2. See the Yaxha ruins

If Tikal is too touristy for you, consider the more secluded Yaxha ruins. Like Tikal, Yaxha is a massive Mesoamerican archaeological site. Located in the northeast, it was the third-largest city in the region. Home to several huge stone pyramids, the site was "discovered" in 1904 and dates to 250-600 CE. Spend a few hours looking at ancient drawings and intricately carved hieroglyphs. Admission is 80 GTQ per person.

3. Explore Quirigua

The archaeological site of Quirigua, located in the southeastern corner of the country near the border with Honduras, contains the largest stelae (upright stone columns covered in drawings or carved into shapes) ever discovered in the Mayan world. Nine stelae are arranged around a central plaza, accompanied by altars carved into zoomorphic shapes that date from the 2nd-8th centuries CE. Although the stelae are unrestored, they are a magnificent sight; the largest of these is a whopping 25 feet tall! Admission is 80 GTQ.

4. Hike the Volcán de Pacaya

This active volcano frequently erupts ash clouds over Antigua, however, it makes for a fun day hike (don't worry, it's safe). The trail is relatively easy (it's not that steep) and takes around 2 hours to hike, giving you lots of time to admire the view before you actually get a chance to peer into the volcano's cone. Pacaya can only be accessed with an authorized guide so you will need to book a tour. Be aware the cheap tours often just offer transportation and a Spanish speaking guide. If you don't speak Spanish you will need to ask for an English-speaking guide. Expect to pay 250-550 GTQ.

5. Wander Flores

This small island sits on Lake Peten Itza, a large lake in the north and the second-largest lake in the country. A narrow man-made causeway connects the island to the mainland and the region is perfect for hiking, swimming, and spotting wildlife. From here, you're just a short drive away from some of the most untamed jungles in the country (it makes for a good base for exploring the nearby jungles). It's also close to the ruins at Tikal.

6. Visit the ruins at El Mirador

El Mirador is one of the most undiscovered Mayan sites in Guatemala. Located near the border with Mexico in the northeast, the majority of its complexes lie in the depths of the jungle and remain relatively inaccessible to tourists. It's the largest of all the Mayan ruins, rivaling even the pyramids in Egypt in size. Though discovered in 1926, researchers didn't start studying it until 2003! Multi-day tours cost around 3,100 GTQ (plus a single supplement sometimes) since it's so remote.

7. Explore Rio Dulce

Rio Dulce is a gorgeous river and popular backpacker destination in eastern Guatemala. Two towns, El Relleno and Fronteras, lie on either side of the river and are connected by one of the largest bridges in Central America. The area is famous for its trekking and water activities, including the Finca Paraiso hike, which leads to a hot spring and a waterfall. The Quiriguá ruins (mentioned above) are also nearby and worth a visit.

8. Visit the Antigua Market

This sprawling market is colorful and somewhat chaotic. It's open-air and filled with everything from fruits and vegetables to handmade crafts and poultry to fake DVDs and knock-off jeans. Come here to buy souvenirs, people watch, and take in the bustling chaos!

9. Relax at Monterrico

This is the most popular beach in the country. Located close to Guatemala City and Antigua, this laid-back beach town is a relaxing place to catch some sun and hit the waves. Between June-December, you can also see giant leatherback, green sea, and smaller olive ridley turtles. There are also lots of tours of the nearby mangroves.

10. Hike Acatenango

Located near Antigua, Acatenango is a stratovolcano standing almost 4,000 meters. It's the third highest volcano in Central America and last erupted in 1972. It offers a strenuous 7-8-hour hike up to a campsite, where you will camp overnight before summiting to watch the sunrise. Tours cost around 600-800 GTQ and include cold-weather gear, an English-speaking guide, and park admission.

11. Watch the sunrise from Indian Nose

The sunrise from the Indian Nose volcano is quite possibly one of the most magical sunrises you will ever experience. Located next to Lake Atitlan, you'll get to look out across the water and the magnificent volcanoes before you (including the Atitlán and San Pedro volcanoes). You can do this hike alone but it is difficult finding the path in the dark so it is much better to go with a guide. Expect to pay around 250 GTQ.

12. Learn to surf

Guatemala isn't known for its beaches but the small coastal town of El Paredon is a well-kept secret where you can hit the waves. The black sand beach is beautiful and the surf is great. A board rental is around 100-125 GTQ per day and surf lessons are around 150 GTQ an hour, including a board.

Guatemala Travel Costs

Accommodation – Most beds in a 6-8 bed dorm start at 60 GTQ. Private rooms cost around 200-300 GTQ. Free Wi-Fi is standard and some hostels also offer free breakfast. Not many hostels have a kitchen so be sure to check first if you want to prepare your own meals.

Budget hotels are plentiful in Guatemala and rooms cost as little as 230 GTQ for a double or twin bed with basic amenities. For a mid-range hotel with free breakfast, expect to pay closer to 500 GTQ

Airbnb is available around the country, with private rooms starting at 250 GTQ night. For an entire home or apartment, prices begin around 400 GTQ per night though they average closer to 700 GTQ.

For those traveling with a tent, camping is not common and not recommended. You can camp in the parks of El Paredon and Tikal though. Camping there costs around 50 GTQ per night.

Food – Guatemalan cuisine uses a lot of corn, chilies, avocados, and beans. Popular dishes include tamales, seafood soup, and meat stews (usually chicken or beef), which are readily available and usually quite affordable.

If you're on a budget, you can get a large meal of beans, rice, corn, and meat for around 40 GTQ from a comedor (local eateries that usually offer large portions). Another local favorite is a tortilla with beans and eggs with sour cream and fried plantain on the side, which usually cost the equivalent of just a couple of dollars.

Lunch is the main meal of the day here, and many restaurants offer set menus for under 40 GTQ. These usually include soup and grilled meat.

Pre-made plates of food (usually chicken or beef, rice, and tortillas) are often sold on the buses during stops for about 25-30 GTQ. Street food, like hot dogs or tamales, can be found for less than 12 GTQ.

A three-course meal in a mid-range restaurant with a drink costs around 250 GTQ. Mexican-style dishes like tacos or enchiladas are a popular evening choice (since dinner is usually a lighter meal).

Fast food like McDonald's costs around 50 GTQ for a combo meal. For a meal at a Western restaurant (think burger and fries or pizza), expect to pay at least 100 GTQ.

A beer costs 20 GTQ, bottled water is 10 GTQ, and a cappuccino/latte costs around 19 GTQ.

If you plan on buying your own groceries, expect to pay at least 200 GTQ per week for staples like vegetables, rice, and some meat.

Activities – Most activities in Guatemala are centered around historical or natural attractions. The entrance to Semuc Champey is 50 GTQ, and a private tour will cost you at least 310 GTQ. Museums cost around 60 GTQ. The entrance fee to Tikal is 150 GTQ per person.

Backpacking Guatemala Suggested Budgets

As a budget backpacker in Guatemala, expect to pay around 250 GTQ per day. This assumes you're staying in a hostel dorm, cooking most meals, sticking to free activities (like hiking and the beach), limiting your drinking, and using local transportation to get around.

On a mid-range budget of 625 GTQ, you can stay in an Airbnb, eat out for all your meals, have a few drinks, take some guided tours, use taxis here and there, and visit more attractions such as museums or ruins.

On a "luxury" budget of 1,750 GTQ per day, you can stay in a hotel, take taxis everywhere, book higher-end tours (including private tours and day tours), and eat out every meal at nicer restaurants. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get some idea of how much you need to budget daily, depending on your travel style. Prices are in GTQ.





Average Daily Cost



















Guatemala Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

It's easy to save money while traveling in Guatemala since the country isn't that expensive. However, a good budget traveler always looks for way to maximize value. Here are some of the best ways to save money in Guatemala:

  1. Take a free walking tour – In some of the larger cities (like Antigua) you can find free walking tours. They're the best way to get introduced to a new destination. has options you can choose from. Just be sure to tip your guide!
  2. Couchsurf with a local – While accommodation is cheap here, staying with a local via Couchsurfing will make it free. Not only will you save some money, but you'll get firsthand knowledge from a local!
  3. Have an ISIC Card – To save 20-50% on the cost of admission to museums and other tourist attractions, be sure to present a valid student card. The ISIC is typically accepted in places where a foreign student ID is not.
  4. Visit the Mercado – Although eating out is cheap in Guatemala, it makes sense to shop at the markets for your food to take on day trips or to prepare at your hostel. Fruit costs mere pennies and everything is always fresh.
  5. Eat street food – The local street food is the cheapest food you can eat, costing 15-25 GTQ for a meal (tamales, tacos, hot dogs, etc.).
  6. Avoid flying – Bus rides are longer, but if you are trying to see the country on a budget you shouldn't fly. An hour-long flight can cost hundreds of dollars. Avoid flying as much as possible!
  7. Avoid drinking – Sure, the beer here is cheap but a couple of beers every day will add up. Watch your drinking to keep your budget intact!
  8. Bring a reusable water bottle – Avoid the tap water here. Instead of wasting money on single-use plastic bottles, bring a reusable water bottle and a filter. LifeStraw has a built-in filter so you can ensure your water is always clean and safe to drink.

How to Get Around Guatemala

Public Transportation – The main method of transportation in Guatemala is las camionetas ("chicken buses"). They are old school buses from North America and are the most inexpensive way to get around. Expect to pay around 10 GTQ for a 1-2 hour journey. Shorter journeys can cost as little as 3 GTQ.

If you are traveling between places like Antigua and Lake Atitlan, shuttle buses are the most common form of transport for backpackers. Travel between Antigua and Guatemala City costs around 150 GTQ on a shuttle bus. On a chicken bus, it costs considerably less (around 30 GTQ).

Taxis – Taxis in Guatemala are safe to use and affordable. Taxis are common in the larger cities and cost around 60 GTQ for a 10-minute ride. Tuk-tuks are the most common form of transport for short journeys in most of the towns and villages. Most journeys will cost no more than 15 GTQ.

Uber is available in larger cities like Antigua and Guatemala City. It's generally cheaper than taxis but more expensive than shuttles for longer distances.

Trains – There are no trains in Guatemala.

Bus – Because of the poor condition of the roads in Guatemala large busses aren't available on many routes. You will find large night busses between Guatemala City and Flores to take you to countries like Mexico, Belize, and Nicaragua. For most other places, you will rely on shuttle busses.

You have two options for booking: asking in your hostel and paying in cash or booking online through Unfortunately, websites like Busbud don't operate in Guatemala as their transport infrastructure is still developing.

Keep in mind the shuttles are pretty basic. Most don't have working AC and are not very spacious.

Budget Airlines – There are regular flights from Guatemala City to Flores, usually costing around 1,400 GTQ per person for the one-hour flight.

Car Rental – Renting a car costs around 150 GTQ per day. Do take care if you decide to drive in Guatemala as the roads aren't the best and landslides are common during the rainy season (which can often result in both accidents and road closures). Make sure you have an International Driving Permit (IDP) — you'll need one for any car rental.

Hitchhiking – Hitchhiking is not common in Guatemala and not recommended for safety reasons. For more information, visit HitchWiki.

When to Go to Guatemala

Guatemala is a fantastic place to visit at any time of the year because of its spring-like climate. As many places are at altitude, you can expect cool mornings and evenings and warm days. Expect temperatures to sit between 18-28°C (65-82°F).

Many choose to avoid Guatemala during the rainy season (May-September) as the rain can be a bit disruptive, especially if you want to do things like hiking. That said, it is during these months that Guatemala is at its most beautiful as the country turns green and the flowers bloom. Prices also drop significantly during the rainy season.

To beat the crowds, visit in the shoulder season (the start or end of the rainy season). You'll see fewer people and things will be a little cheaper. The weather won't be perfect but it will still be sunny and warm most days so you'll still be able to hike.

How to Stay Safe in Guatemala

While Guatemala is generally safe, there's no denying that certain precautions should be taken as there's still a lot of petty crime and safety issues in the country. Avoid isolated areas, especially at night and in big cities. Keep your personal belongings on you while using public transit (especially chicken buses) and night buses.

Additionally, don't wear flashy jewelry or leave your valuables out in the open. Petty theft is common here so you must be vigilant.

Violent attacks against tourists are rare. Most of the time it's because the tourist was involved in something drug-related or was where they shouldn't be at night.

Opportunistic theft is the most common crime so if you keep your possessions close you shouldn't have any issues. Scams are common in the larger cities so be wary of any overfriendly strangers. If you keep your wits and pay attention, you'll be able to avoid the most common problems.

Guatemala is home to 37 volcanoes so volcanic activity isn't uncommon. Be sure to check for warnings before you embark on any hikes/activities (especially ones on or around volcanoes).

Additionally, due to its political instability, protests and demonstrations are common. If one is occurring near you, simply head back to your accommodation and avoid taking part.

You can read about the 14 travel scams to avoid right here.

Always trust your gut instinct. If a taxi driver seems shady, stop the cab and get out. If your hotel is seedier than you thought, get out of there. You have every right to remove yourself from the situation.

Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID. Forward your itinerary along to loved ones so they'll know where you are.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It's comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I've had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

Guatemala Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they've always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Intrepid Travel – If you want to do group tours, go with Intrepid. They offer good small group tours that use local operators and leave a small environmental footprint. And, as a reader of this site, you'll get exclusive discounts with them too!
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.

Guatemala Gear and Packing Guide

If you're heading on the road and need some gear suggestions, here are my tips for the best travel backpack and for what to pack!

The Best Backpack for Travelers

REI Flash 45 Pack

What's the best backpack for traveling long-term? I recommend the REI Flash 45 Pack. It's light and comfy, top loading, and fits perfectly in an airplane's overhead bin.
Size: 45-47L
Straps: Thick and cushy with compression technology that pulls the pack's load up and inwards so it doesn't feel as heavy.
Features: Removable top lid, pocket at the front, hydration compatible, contoured hip belt

If you want something different, refer to my article on how to choose the best travel backpack for tips on picking a pack and other backpack suggestions.

What to Pack for Your Trip


  • 1 pair of jeans (heavy and not easily dried, but I like them; a good alternative is khaki pants)
  • 1 pair of shorts
  • 1 bathing suit
  • 5 T-shirts (Unbound Merino is my preferred company. If you're a member of NM+, you can get 15% off your purchase)
  • 1 long-sleeved T-shirt
  • 1 pair of flip-flops
  • 1 pair of sneakers
  • 6 pairs of socks (I always end up losing half)
  • 5 pairs of boxer shorts (I'm not a briefs guy!)
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 tube of toothpaste
  • 1 razor
  • 1 package of dental floss
  • 1 small bottle of shampoo
  • 1 small bottle of shower gel
  • 1 towel
  • Deodorant

Small Medical Kit (safety is important!!!)

  • Band-Aids
  • Hydrocortisone cream
  • Antibacterial cream
  • Earplugs
  • Tylenol
  • Hand sanitizer (germs = sick = bad holiday)


  • A key or combination lock (safety first)
  • Zip-lock bags (keeps things from leaking or exploding)
  • Plastic bags (great for laundry)
  • Universal charger/adaptor (this applies to everyone)
  • LifeStraw (A water bottle with a purifier)

Female Travel Packing List
I'm not a woman, so I don't know what a woman wears, but Kristin Addis, our solo female travel guru, wrote this list as an addition to the basics above:


  • 1 swimsuit
  • 1 sarong
  • 1 pair of stretchy jeans (they wash and dry easily)
  • 1 pair of leggings (if it's cold, they can go under your jeans, otherwise with a dress or shirt)
  • 2-3 long-sleeve tops
  • 2-3 T-shirts
  • 3-4 spaghetti tops
  • 1 light cardigan


  • 1 dry shampoo spray & talc powder (keeps long hair grease-free in between washes)
  • 1 hairbrush
  • Makeup you use
  • Hair bands & hair clips
  • Feminine hygiene products (you can opt to buy there too, but I prefer not to count on it, and most people have their preferred products)

For more on packing, check out these posts:

  • What I Pack For My Travels
  • The Ultimate List For Female Travelers
  • How to Choose and Buy the Right Backpack

Guatemala Travel Guide: Related Articles

Want more info? Check out all the articles I've written on backpacking/traveling Central America and continue planning your trip:


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