Funny Poems for Girls One Ljner

25 Funny Limericks Only Clever People Will Get

Fancy a quick laugh? These limericks will make you smile—and feel a little smarter too.

Portrait of mature man smiling Flashpop/Getty Images

You may recall learning about limericks (or even writing a few of your own) in grade school. If you're all grown up now and you love cracking short jokes or clever jokes, why not add a few funny limericks to your repertoire? You'll be spitting out some poetry while your friends are spitting out laughs. And if you want to stump them while you're at it, give them a few of these hard riddles to test their smarts.

What is a limerick?

It is believed that limericks date back to the 14th century and originated in the Irish town of Limerick. The limerick is a humorous five-line poem with two rhymes: one shared by the first, second, and fifth lines, and the other shared by the shorter third and fourth lines.

Limericks were popularized in the 19th century by the British humorist Edward Lear, although limerick examples are found in the works of authors as diverse as William Shakespeare and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Because the limerick is such a flexible form of verse, limericks for kids can be just as funny as clever limericks. These funny limericks use their bouncy rhyme scheme to explore concepts like math, science, and philosophy, and the twisty, punny verses will get you thinking—and giggling!

A forgetful old gasman named Dieter, / Who went poking around his gas heater, / Touched a leak with his light; / He blew out of sight— / And, as everyone who knows anything about poetry can tell you, he also ruined the meter., Getty Images

A gasman named Dieter

A forgetful old gasman named Dieter, / Who went poking around his gas heater, / Touched a leak with his light; / He blew out of sight— / And, as everyone who knows anything about poetry can tell you, he also ruined the meter.

Some of these funny limericks might need a second read! Or you could try some of these funny poems instead.

limerick about a fellow named Crete, Getty Images

A young Cretan

There was a young fellow of Crete / Who was so exceedingly neat / When he got out of bed / He stood on his head / To make sure of not soiling his feet.

Read up on even more bad jokes you'll just have to laugh at.

There once was a runner named Dwight / Who could speed even faster than light. / He set out one day / In a relative way / And returned on the previous night., Getty Images

A runner named Dwight

There once was a runner named Dwight / Who could speed even faster than light. / He set out one day / In a relative way / And returned on the previous night.

A relative way, get it? This is the sort of funny limerick Einstein might come up with!

Wizard Of Oz Limerick, Getty Images

We're off to see the wizard…

The incredible Wizard of Oz / Retired from his business because / Due to up-to-date science / To most of his clients  / He wasn't the Wizard he was.

If you prefer something with less than five lines, try these hilarious one-liners.

An amoeba named Max and his brother / Were sharing a drink with each other; / In the midst of their quaffing, / They split themselves laughing, / And each of them now is a mother., Getty Images

An amoeba named Max

An amoeba named Max and his brother / Were sharing a drink with each other; / In the midst of their quaffing, / They split themselves laughing, / And each of them now is a mother.

If you thought this limerick was funny, you'll love these funny science jokes.

Stairs limerick for clever people, Getty Images

Mind the gap

There was a young fellow from Belfast / That I wanted so badly to tell fast / Not to climb up the stair / As the top step was air / And that's why the young fellow fell fast.

Once you're done chuckling at these funny limericks, check out these anti-jokes you can't help but laugh at anyway.

There was an old girl of Genoa / And I blush when I think that Iowa; / She's gone to her rest, / It's all for the best, / Otherwise I would borrow Samoa., Getty Images

An old girl of Genoa

There was an old girl of Genoa / And I blush when I think that Iowa; / She's gone to her rest, / It's all for the best, / Otherwise I would borrow Samoa.

Besides Iowa, read up on the funniest jokes about all 50 states.

Pelican limerick, Getty Images

Ornithology 101

A wonderful bird is the pelican / His bill holds more than his belican / He can take in his beak / Enough food for a week / But I'm damned if I see how the helican.

For more feathery plays on words, try some of these bird puns that will quack you up.

There once was a lady named Ferris / Whom nothing could ever embarrass. / 'Til the bath salts one day, / in the tub where she lay, / turned out to be Plaster of Paris., Getty Images

A lady named Ferris

There once was a lady named Ferris / Whom nothing could ever embarrass. / 'Til the bath salts one day, / in the tub where she lay, / turned out to be Plaster of Paris.

If you're a word nerd, these grammar jokes will make you cackle.

The star violinist was bowing; / The quarrelsome oarsmen were rowing. / But how is the sage / To discern from this page: / Was it piglets, or seeds, that were sowing?, Getty Images

The star violinist

The star violinist was bowing; / The quarrelsome oarsmen were rowing. / But how is the sage / To discern from this page: / Was it piglets, or seeds, that were sowing?

These pig puns will surely make you snort!

Hydrocarbon limerick for clever people, Getty Images

Irene the scientist

There once was a girl named Irene / Who lived on distilled kerosene / But she started absorbing / A new hydrocarbon / And since then has never benzene.

A magazine writer named Bing / Could make copy from most anything; / But the copy he wrote / of a ten-dollar note / Was so good he now lives in Sing Sing., Getty Images

A writer named Bing

A magazine writer named Bing / Could make copy from most anything; / But the copy he wrote / of a ten-dollar note / Was so good he now lives in Sing Sing.

Brie cheese limerick for clever people, Getty Images

No gouda

One Saturday morning at three / A cheesemonger's shop in Paree / Collapsed to the ground / With a thunderous sound / Leaving only a pile of de brie.

We have more brie-lliant cheese puns where this came from!

flee and fly limerick, Getty Images

Funny limericks as tongue twisters

A flea and a fly in a flue / Were imprisoned, so what could they do? / Said the fly, "Let us flee!" / "Let us fly!" said the flea / So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

If you're looking for more tongue twisters, we have some of the hardest ones in the English language.

An oyster from Kalamazoo / Confessed he was feeling quite blue. / For he said, "As a rule, / When the weather turns cool, / I invariably get in a stew.", Getty Images

An oyster from Kalamazoo

An oyster from Kalamazoo / Confessed he was feeling quite blue. / For he said, "As a rule, / When the weather turns cool, / I invariably get in a stew."

Is Algebra fruitless endeavor? / It seems they've been trying for ever / To find x, y, and z / And it's quite clear to me: / If they've not found them yet then they'll never., Getty Images

On algebra

Is algebra fruitless endeavor? / It seems they've been trying forever / To find x, y, and z / And it's quite clear to me: / If they've not found them yet then they'll never.

Math not your thing? Try these physics jokes.

Harp limerick for clever people, Getty Images

Musically funny limericks

There was a young lady whose chin / Resembled the point of a pin / So she had it made sharp / And purchased a harp / And played several tunes with her chin.

How to spell the potato has tried / Many minds, sometimes mine, I'll confide. / Though it may have an eye, / There's no E – don't ask why! / Not until it's been baked, boiled or fried., Getty Images

How to spell "potato"

How to spell the potato has tried / Many minds, sometimes mine, I'll confide. / Though it may have an eye, / There's no E – don't ask why! / Not until it's been baked, boiled, or fried.

If you liked this funny limerick, try out some of these food jokes.

cash bucket limerick, Getty Images

Should have used a bank

There once was a man from Nantucket / Who kept all his cash in a bucket / His daughter, named Nan / Ran away with a man / And as for the bucket, Nantucket.

There was once a young girl who said : "Why / Can't I look in my ear with my eye? / If I put my mind to it / I'm sure I can do it. / You never can tell till you try.", Getty Images

Ambitious young girl

There was once a young girl who said: "Why / Can't I look in my ear with my eye? / If I put my mind to it / I'm sure I can do it. / You never can tell till you try."

A tutor who tooted a flute / Tried to teach two young tooters to toot. / Said the two to the tutor, / "Is it harder to toot, or . . . / To tutor two tooters to toot?", Getty Images

Tooting tutor

A tutor who tooted a flute / Tried to teach two young tooters to toot. / Said the two to the tutor, / "Is it harder to toot, or… / To tutor two tooters to toot?"

This limerick is just plain fun to say!

viking limerick, Getty Images

A disgruntled young Viking

A rather disgruntled young Viking / Found plunder was not to his liking / When they yelled "All ashore," / He just threw down his oar / And announced, "I'm not striking, I'm striking!"

If you're a history buff, you'll get a kick out of these history jokes.

There once was a girl in the choir / Whose voice rose up hoir and hoir, / Till it reached such a height / It went clear out of seight, / And they found it next day in the spoir., Getty Images

A girl in the choir

There once was a girl in the choir / Whose voice rose up hoir and hoir, / Till it reached such a height / It went clear out of seight, / And they found it next day in the spoir.

Syllable rhyme limerick, Getty Images

Rhymes are hard

A crafty young bard named McMahon / Whose poetry never would scan / Once said, with a pause, / "It's probably because / I'm always trying to cram as many additional syllables into the last line as I possibly can."

There was a dear lady of Eden, / Who on apples was quite fond of feedin'; / She gave one to Adam, / Who said,, Getty Images

A dear lady of Eden

There was a dear lady of Eden, / Who on apples was quite fond of feedin'; / She gave one to Adam, / Who said, "Thank you, Madam," / And then both skedaddled from Eden.

Our hunt for funny limericks took us all the way to paradise and back! Next, take a step back from the funniest jokes and check out these inspirational poems.


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